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Balustrade & Pool Fence

Australian owned, designed, and manufactured balustrade and pool fence systems for decks, balconies, and poolside areas

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Our factory is 100% Solar powered!

We make two unique styles of balustrade & pool fence systems ...

The Vertical Cable System

Manufacturing since 2007, Sentrel continues to lead the market with the award-winning vertical cable system that offers high quality, attractive - and, of course, very safe - balustrade and pool fence products. Our flagship product is the Aluminium Vertical Cable Balustrade that incorporates durable powder coat finished horizontal rails and 316 marine-grade vertically tensioned stainless steel cables. Aluminium pool fencing, timber pool fencing and timber balustrade options are also available in the vertical cable range.

The DIY iRail System

Introduced in 2020, iRail offers DIY balustrade and pool fence solutions which incorporate the same quality aluminium rails with thin tubular stainless steel vertical infill. Due to the DIY nature of this system, significant cost savings are possible. iRail can also be used in conjunction with the vertical cable range.

Sentrel iRail DIY system (1)

Sentrel makes gates, posts, brackets and everything you require to get the job done. We provide an installation service in most major cities, or orders can be shipped directly to your building site for easy installation by yourself or your own builder.

Price rise this year

Surprise, surprise - everything in the world is getting more expensive! Unfortunately, we are not immune to the effects of this. Over the past three years we have absorbed the increased cost of materials and services from our suppliers. But this is no longer sustainable. We will need to increase our prices soon.

We will do our best to delay this increase until 1st July 2025. So, if you are considering using our products, please don't delay to avoid spending any more than is necessary!


Balustrade & pool fence strength test

The other day - just for fun - we decided to test and demonstrate the strength of our balustrade panels. Check it out ...

Sentral at HIA

We now have a permanent display of our products at the HIA Home Inspirations Centre in Newcastle

Installing a pool on your property is an expensive undertaking. Most people are not aware of the extra costs that might be involved when putting a compliant fence around their new investment. This might lead to unnecessary complications and increased costs.

Photo from Karolina Kaboompics

Choosing a new balustrade or pool fence for your property can be overwhelming with the choices on the market today. Many factors drive our decision, and although cost consideration is major for most people it should not be the primary factor. Many balustrade and pool fence solutions that are inexpensive may easily end up costing you more in the long run by way of labour cost to install, failure and/or ongoing maintainence. To help you decide, we have prepared - believe it or not - an unbiased comparison chart showing the pros and cons of most of the options on the market. We hope that you find the best solution for your needs.

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